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Amherst has taken some notable steps on climate change

Joined four New England colleges investing in a solar farm that provides renewable energy credits, enough to offset the college's purchased electricity.

Undertaken a massive $150 million, 8-year project to convert the campus to geothermal energy.


Established a vibrant Office of Sustainability that serves as a focal point and catalyst for awareness-building, collaboration, and action on sustainability issues throughout campus, facilitating and coordinating sustainability efforts across the curriculum, co-curriculum, and campus operations.   Student-centered programs include:

  • A Student Fellows Program which engages students in real world, campus, and community sustainability fellowships focused on a variety of sustainability issues including climate change, food systems, waste, and transportation

  • Field trips to active climate projects like solar farms and composting facilities

  • A peer-to-peer EcoReps program designed to cultivate a culture of sustainability by promoting sustainable behaviors through education, awareness, and connections with residence life

  • Interactions with alumni pursuing careers in sustainability and climate

To become a beacon for climate change education, Amherst should do more

Expand the Office of Sustainability to generate more student opportunities for engagement

Increase the number of dedicated Environmental Studies faculty, i.e. professors whose training and scholarship is specifically focused on climate and sustainability issues

Significantly expand the Environmental Studies course offerings

Develop more opportunities for students to envision careers in environmental fields

Develop climate-oriented service learning programs

Speed up divestiture from fossil fuel investments

What we as alumni can do

Donate to a fund to support the Office of Sustainability so as to provide more student programming

You must specify, either in the "Comments" box in the online form or in the memo line of a check, that your gift is for the "Sustainability and Climate Change Initiatives Fund."


Alumni members of the Moon and Shogren families generously established this fund specifically to provide additional programming and staffing for the Office of Sustainability.


Lobby every Amherst contact about the importance of acting as a beacon on climate education

Let everyone know the importance of climate education and of Amherst assuming a bold leadership role.  Talk to fellow alumni, school administrators, faculty, the Board of Trustees...anyone and everyone.

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