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Our Beliefs

Carbon pollution represents an existential challenge, threatening quality of life for millions and permanent damage to the ecosystem
  • Increasing temperatures are making some places unlivable and leading to mass migrations

  • Rising sea levels are making some islands and coastal areas uninhabitable

  • Rapidly increasing ocean temperatures threaten to change ocean currents and weather patterns

  • Increasingly severe weather will wreak great hardships on millions

  • Hotter, drier weather and changing rainfall patterns will reduce fresh water availability

Growing climate threats outpace solutions
  • Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase

  • Temperature increases are accelerating, most dramatically at the poles

  • Ocean temperatures have increased at unforeseen rates

  • Glacier melt is accelerating 

Every element of society needs to step up efforts to foster climate solutions
  • Governments need to stimulate and facilitate the move to renewables

  • Businesses need to reduce their carbon footprints

  • Educational institutions need to expand climate change educational opportunities

  • Media organizations need to cover climate solutions more aggressively

  • Community groups need to promote conservation

  • Individuals need to reduce their personal contributions to carbon pollution

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